Public and private liquor stores in British Columbia have the strongest track record of checking identification, are an age-controlled environment where children are prohibited and contribute substantial tax revenue to our provincial government.

When cannabis is legalized in 2018, it needs to be done in the most socially responsible way possible. Our stores provide a highly regulated and proven system for accessing controlled substances. The cost, time and risk associated with trying to reinvent this system are not worth the risk.

Read our November 2017 Op Ed from Vancouver Sun, Victoria Times-Colonist and The Tyee.

Read our submission to the BC Government's Cannabis Regulation Engagement.

Tell the BC government and municipalities that retailing non-medical cannabis should be done in the most socially responsible way: through public and private liquor stores.

Why at Liquor Stores?

Age-controlled Environment
Experienced, Responsible and Competent
Consumer friendly yet highly regulated